Monday, May 16, 2011

Lab 11.2: Table J and Metal Reactivity

1.    a) The nitrate ion known as a “spectator ion” is an appropriet title because as examined in the reaction equation nitrate stays the same befor and after the reaction. 

     b) In the reaction between magnesium and silver solution, silver was oxidized and magnesium is reduced. 

2. Metal X and metal ion Y+2 will react, when X is higher then Y based on Table J.

3.  1. An activity series is a list of substances ranked in order of decreasing relative reactivity. The most metallic elements of group 1 have the most relitive reactivity nonmetalic elements at the bottom of table J are the least reactive(left side of table s moving towards the right go from most metallic elements to non metallic).
     2.   Which ever metal is higher on table J is more reactive then the metal below it.

4. Gold, silver, and copper are on the bottom of table j suggesting the are the least reactive metals. This made it easier for humans to discover these metals because they havent reacted with there surrondings. Other metals (lead, tin, iron, mercury) that are more reactive were dicovered much later because you must go deeper into the surface to find these metals nonreactive to the surrondings.5. 
  • Copper was smelted from its ores Malachite and Azurite in anctient times. In a pottery kiln with charcoal these elements were fired and reduced to metallic copper.
  • Bronze is made of copper and tin melted together at high temperatures.
The light sensitivity of the silver halides exposed to a light, a chemical reaction darkens the film to produce an image. AgCl used in photography, consists tightly packed ions of silver and chlorine, when film containing Ag+ and Cl- is exposed to light energy, the chlorine ion's extra electron captured by a silver ion. When silver metal is produced as a result of the electron capture, it forms a dark image on film.  Ag+ has been reduced to Ag (metal), and Cl- has been oxidised.

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