1. In the solution of Ammonium Nitrate(NH4NO3) and water (H2O) the process that occurred was endothermic. The direction of heat flow was pointed into the solution absorbed by the process making the system and its surroundings a chilled temperature.
2. Error may have been from the rounding of the decimal place used by the thermometer when calculating the solutions temperature. Also we could not calculate for the heat absourbed by the sides of the cup and the thermometer.
3.A.)If the room temperature was ten degrees colder the total heat would have been different and less energy would be used for the change in temperature (smaller delta H)because the change in solution was endothermic the temperature is already decreasing.
B.)If you added less chemical but you still knew how much you add, the q value and the moles of solute would be lower (lower concentration) but because they are going to proportionally lower the reaction is smaller causing a smaller change in heat (Delta H).
C.)If you added 40mL of water but thought you had 50 mL the change in heat would appear to be less because you have less water to change the temperature of the reaction. Less water equals a smaller change in temperature.
Enrichment: In Florida farmers spray their trees with water to protect the trees from being damaged. This helps the trees when the weather gets cold in order to preserve the tree and keep it healthy for the farmer. When something freezes (mist sprayed) it creates an exothermic reaction, this causes the realease of heat. As the heat is realeased it prevents the trees from freezing throughout the cold weather.